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Syntax Error Board Game Special
Welcome to a Syntax Error party and nightclub with more space for board games than usual including collabs with local board game groups. Happy hour bar prices until 23:00!

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About us
Welcome to Stockholm's monthly Video Game Party & Nightclub! Dance the night away to video game music and play brand-new or retro video games – all in our uniquely warm and accepting atmosphere.
Syntax Error is a party and a nightclub where you'll be in good company if you enjoy playing Street Fighter or Duck Hunt, dancing to video game music, Disney classics and C64 SIDs or simply hiding in the back room playing Magic or any of our other board games all night.
Don't go alone
Our crew

Syntax Error is run by the non-profit organization Svenska Spelmusikfrämjandet whose members organize all our events together with volunteers.
Ventura, Fastbom, Weyland, Ookamineko, MissStabby, Jor-el, Njursten, Toolsmonkey, A3M1N, Fetish23
Ventura, Fastbom, Weyland, Ookamineko, MissStabby, Jor-el
Weyland, Fastbom, MissStabby, Fetish23
Ventura (chairman), Weyland (treasurer), MissStabby, Jor-el, Fastbom
Jon, Matti, Lindroth, Wezz, Daniel, Nik, Whiting, Borchers, McFly, Windefalk, MrTimpi, Hakushi, Velo, Zaz
Booked artists

This is a list of awesome artists that has played at our clubs or concerts in the past.
047, Algar, Blastromen, Bossfight, Boy vs Bacteria, Brandon Walsh, Chipzel, Cyanide Dansen, Dubmood, Dunderpatrullen, DJ Diskmachine, FantomenK, Fastbom, Goto80, Hello World, Instant Remedy, Irving Force, Jeroen Tel, Maktone, MegaNeko, Moogen, Ninjaspark, Nordloef, Powerplay, RoccoW, Rymdkraft, SabrePulse, Savlonic, Shirobon, Starchild, Tekmann, Thermostatic, Ultrasyd, USK, Wiklund, Zabutom, Zalza
Our community
Our rules
Be respectful
Syntax Error is a place where everyone is welcome, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or favorite Star Trek captain. The only thing that is not welcome is acting disrespectful against other guests, the venue staff or the crew.
This includes all forms of unsolicited touching, grabbing, inappropriate gestures or comments or "jokes" at the expense of others.
No harassment of any kind
If someone asks to be left alone, respect that, move along and don't take it personally. Always make sure you have consent before touching or otherwise engaging with other guests. If you're unsure, just ask, and no means no.
Reach out to our crew
If someone is making you feel uneasy, if you need to talk to someone confidentially or if you just want to chat, grab the closest person wearing a red Syntax Error crew t-shirt. We in the crew are dedicated to making sure everyone has a good time during our events.
You can also email us at [email protected] if you need to get in contact with us and don't feel like talking to a person directly. Talking in person is however the preferred way if we need to act on another guest that is behaving inappropriately so that we can intervene immediately.
If you can't get behind these simple rules, please refrain from visiting our events. If you purposely do not comply with the rules during an event you WILL be ejected from the venue without question.
With that said, we in the Syntax Error crew hope that you will have a most awesome time at our events, and if you're not, please let us know.